Richard Mason

  • Why Taking Your Old Car to an Auto Repair Shop is a Must

    As a car owner, it’s only natural to want your vehicle to always be in excellent condition. However, owning an old car can sometimes prove to be quite tricky and challenging. Whether your car has been frequently breaking down or just needs regular maintenance, taking it to an auto repair shop is always a wise decision. Here are five benefits of doing so: Safety Comes First As your car ages, so do its parts.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Check On Your Muscle Car Regularly

    Owning a muscle car is a huge commitment. Not only do you have to keep up with regular maintenance, but you also need to be aware of the specific needs of these cars. These vehicles pack a lot of power, and that means there are a few key things you need to check on regularly to make sure your muscle car is running its best. This article highlights three things that require constant attention in a muscle car.
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  • What Junk Car Removal Companies Do With End-Of-Life Cars

    Want to get rid of your junk car? Selling it to a junk car removal company is an excellent way to take it off your hands and make some quick cash. But what happens to the vehicle after you sell it?  Read along to learn what junk car removal businesses do with unwanted cars. They Salvage Auto Parts Even if your car is no longer running, it may still have many 'good' parts left in it.
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  • Services Your Car Dealer Offers That You Can Use After You Purchase A New Car

    When you buy a new car at a car dealership, you may think that is the end of the service they can offer you. However, a car dealership has many services that are available after the sale is completed, and you may not have to buy your car there to use these services.  Vehicle Service And Repair When you need to have your car serviced, taking it to a local dealer to have the work done can offer some benefits.
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  • 2 Benefits Of Using Ethanol-Free Gas In Your Older-Model Car

    If you drive an older-model car, you most likely want to do everything that you can to keep it in good running condition so that it will last as long as possible. However, if you are filling up the tank with standard fuel that contains ethanol, you may be doing more harm to it than you realize. Instead of using regular fuel, consider the benefits of using ethanol-free gas in your older car instead.
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  • How To Save Money On Vehicle Lock And Key Services For Your Fleet

    When you are in charge of taking care of an entire fleet of vehicles, you have to worry about the cost of things like having locked vehicles unlocked or having keys replaced or duplicated when needed. These services can be expensive, and when you have an entire fleet of vehicles to worry about, then the costs can add up significantly. It's possible to save money on lock and key services for your fleet if you follow these tips, though.
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  • 3 Options For Dealing With A Totaled Car

    After a car accident, you might have been left with a totaled car. You could be wondering what your options are for dealing with your totaled car since you obviously can't use it in its current condition. As the owner of the vehicle, you have a few different options for dealing with it, including these three options. 1. Fix it Up First, even if your car has been totaled, this does not necessarily mean that you can't have the car repaired.
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  • Own A Small Vehicle Fleet? 3 Steps For Taking Care Of Your Commercial Fleet

    If you own multiple commercial vehicles, you have a small fleet of vehicles. When you own enough commercial vehicles to have a small fleet of vehicles, you need to develop a plan and a system for managing and taking care of your vehicles. Find a Trusted Mechanic The first thing you need to do is find a trusted auto body and repair shop that works on commercial vehicles to partner with.
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  • 3 Tips To Prep Your Vehicle For A Smog Test

    Controlling air pollution is essential in densely populated areas. Personal and commercial vehicles can serve as a source of pollution when these modes of transportation are not functioning properly. To help ensure that vehicle emissions are not contributing to pollution levels, many municipal governments require that each vehicle be smog tested before being deemed legal to drive. A smog test certifies that emissions don't contain toxic levels of carbon particles, and there are some simple things that you can do to prepare your vehicle to pass.
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  • Options For Emergency Lighting On Your Recovery And Tow Vehicle

    If you operate a recovery or tow truck business, you know that there are times when you will need to work in traffic and it is important that you can be seen from a distance by motorists on the road. Likewise, once you have a car or truck in tow, you need to be sure people see you. The safe operation of your tow truck might just come down to the lighting you choose for the vehicle
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