How To Save Money On Vehicle Lock And Key Services For Your Fleet

Posted on: 25 November 2018

When you are in charge of taking care of an entire fleet of vehicles, you have to worry about the cost of things like having locked vehicles unlocked or having keys replaced or duplicated when needed. These services can be expensive, and when you have an entire fleet of vehicles to worry about, then the costs can add up significantly. It's possible to save money on lock and key services for your fleet if you follow these tips, though.

Use the Services of a Locksmith

First of all, you should consider who you call for help with various lock and key-related problems with your fleet. If you need to have a key made, you might find yourself calling the dealership to have the job done. Even though the dealership might be able to do these things for you, these services might come with a premium price. In many cases, using a locksmith that offers lockout services and other vehicle-related services is actually cheaper than going through the dealership, although you should obviously do your own price comparison to make sure that this is the case in your area.

Ask for a Bulk Discount

If you use the same locksmith each time that you need to have something done that is related to locks or keys, you might qualify for a bulk discount. Therefore, you will probably want to call the same locksmith each time that you need these services. You may even be able to use the same locksmith each time that you need other locksmith-related services at your place of business, such as if you need to have a commercial lock replaced on one of your doors. Along with potentially getting a discount, you can feel good in knowing that you are working with a locksmith who you have worked with before and who has provided you with quality services.

Use the Warranty

When possible, make sure that you use the warranty coverage on your fleet vehicles to cover any lock repair services that you might need. If you need to have repairs done to the locks or ignitions on any of your fleet vehicles, there is a chance that the repairs will be covered by the warranty, particularly with newer fleet vehicles. If you are unsure of whether or not your fleet vehicles are under warranty or if the warranty will cover the lock-related services that you are in need of, you can always contact the dealer with your questions.

For more information, contact a company like Jim's Garage Inc today.
